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Serena Williams shares ‘amazing’ skin-tightening tummy procedure: ‘Confidence coming back’

  2024-06-20 pagesixKristin Contino35520

This mom is serving up some self-care.Serena Williams got candid about her post-baby body on Instagram over the weekend,

Serena Williams shares ‘amazing’ skin-tightening tummy procedure: ‘Co<i></i>nfidence coming back’

This mom is serving up some self-care.

Serena Williams got candid about her post-baby body on Instagram over the weekend, showing off a video of herself getting a spa treatment to target her tummy scars.

“Being ok to take time for myself is something I have always struggled with,” the legendary tennis player, 42, started off her caption, adding “I finally started started being ok to take an hour (during nap time

(By/Kristin Contino)
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