It’s been seven years since Charlie Puth’s single “See You Again” thrust him into the pop spotlight. While the pandemic cratered the touring business, Puth, like almost all musicians and performers, turned to social media to stay in the public eye. He used TikTok to reach out to fans, replacing some of the energy that came from live shows. Not only did his more than 19 million followers get some of his thirst traps, but they also learned a handful of lessons about music theory. Now, the New Jersey-born singer is ready to bare all with his third album, “Charlie.”
How did Tik Tok transform your music career?
It made me very open-minded to showing the process. I used to have this mentality of “I need to go away for an extended period of time and work on my music alone and not show anybody and give away the secrets.” But now I can give every secret away. It actually makes the songs more vibrant.
Was your pivot to TikTok accidental or on purpose?
It started a little bit out of boredom, but it was a couple of things. Obviously, we didn’t have that as a result of the pandemic, so I had to perform for people digitally, and [that] meant making songs in front of them. When millions of people get excited hearing you make a song, it makes you want to finish that song and make it even better. It took the place of me being backstage.
Tell us about the process of making “Light Switch.” How did TikTok help you pull it together?
I had the idea for it, but I was pretty certain that it was a stupid idea. I hadn’t put out music in a long time, so I thought I might as well show the process of me making this song, and if it’s stupid, it’ll just be a goofy video that got some attention. I had no idea that it was going to blow up and become the song that started the entire creative process of this album. I just wanted to be theatrical in my music-making process and show that off because that’s what I am behind the scenes and nobody ever gets to see that. So, I just kept the camera rolling.
Why did your knowledge of music theory become such a hallmark of your TikTok platform?
I’ve always been fascinated with making things that are perceived as mundane and wildly entertaining. I realized that people always have a yearning to learn, and I just want to be in front of that. I want to be the “cool teacher.” Maybe if I weren’t doing this for a living, I’d be a teacher.
How do you balance the “horny on main” TikTok side of you with the music nerd part?
I don’t even think about it. That’s always been my personality. If you’re close to me, you know that that’s always been my personality. In the spirit of putting out music that’s authentic to myself, I’m gonna have to not hold anything back, literally, and just show every side of me. I feel like if you’re a creative, there’s a natural side of that to you anyway, so, might as well show it off.
Is there anything you’ve regretted sharing on TikTok?
No. My main goal on TikTok is to prove that everything is musical, and the way to convey that message is through comedy. I think I’ve proven that you can drop a bunch of spoons on the floor, and they make notes. People can burp and fart, and you can autotune that, and put it to a beat.
With your other records, did you feel like you had to play the industry game?
Definitely. When I wrote “See You Again,” I wasn’t planning on being the artist. I had to figure out what it was like to be an artist while making an album simultaneously in front of millions of people. Now, I know exactly what kind of artist I am: the dorky, music-making, behind-the-scenes yet viciously in front-of-the-scenes singer-songwriter that loves music and lives and breathes it.
Your new album is titled “Charlie.” Is this release a rebirth or pivot of how you want to be perceived as an artist?
It’s maybe a cliche statement, because I’ve never really made music that’s true to me and a cliche statement of an artist is, “This is the most true and honest music I’ve ever made.” But it really is. I’d never done that on albums one and two. This is my first full body of work where you’re going to hear every little bit of my personality with a melody attached to it.
What parts of your personality are fans going to see?
The personality that I never spoke about on records before. Maybe I was putting a little bit of a front up. I didn’t really want people to know very detailed characteristics about me — and I certainly wouldn’t write songs about them. But I realized what I’ve gone through — breakups and beyond — they’re very similar to what other people have gone through, and similar feelings that one person has felt are maybe a different color of something else that somebody else has felt. So I realized that I need to make this music about my personality, so people can relate to it, and maybe they’ll want to play it a couple of times over and over again. I hope people like it.
What is the overarching theme of “Charlie”?
I wouldn’t define it just as a breakup album. I define it as a self-reflective album of “how did I ever let myself get this low because of somebody” album.
Tell us about the process of making “Light Switch.”
I just wanted to be theatrical in my music-making process and show that off because that’s who I am behind the scenes and nobody ever gets to see that. So, I just kept the camera rolling.
Do you feel more like a TikTok star or a pop star at this point?
I feel like the soundtrack writer to people’s lives. If I can make the song that plays in the background of someone who’s going through something very significant at that point in time, then I’ve done my job. So if people want to refer to me as a TikToker, great; if they want to refer to me as a musician, that’s also great. I just want music to be in the conversation, always.