Free streaming has found itself on, well, the FAST track of late. The format has been rapidly growing in popularity since VIP+ first covered it in 2019, with free ad-supported streaming TV (aka FAST) platforms such as Tubi and the Roku Channel tying or surpassing high-profile subscription streamers in The Gauge reports, Nielsen’s monthly surveys of services’ viewing time.
The appeal of FAST in a streaming market undergoing rapid price inflation is obvious, but its success thus far begs the question: Where does free streaming go from here?
With this special report, “The Future State of FAST,” PvNew Intelligence Platform seeks to answer that question and to spotlight the emerging trends at work as the free streaming market matures.
Featuring exclusive data from free streaming authority The FASTMaster, the report delves into key elements of the FAST landscape —including the rise of single-IP streaming channels, local news and major sports strategies and channel attrition within platforms — but also debunks certain myths surrounding free streaming, such as the misperception that it’s a second-tier consumer choice used only for background viewing.
Indeed, the data paints a portrait of FAST as a regular and well-liked part of its viewers’ entertainment diets. Here, you’ll get not only a comprehensive look at key trends and concepts driving FAST platforms but a deep dive into consumers’ behavior with and perceptions of the format.
As FAST continues to grow, knowing its dynamics will be key to understanding the streaming market at large, and VIP+ will be there to help you keep pace with a format speeding into the future.