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How ‘Squid Game: The Challenge’ Built a Killer Glass Bridge Replica That Was Safe for Real-Life Contestants

  2024-06-21 varietyJazz Tangcay19150

Trap doors were production design secrets when it came to building one of the toughest games on Netflix’s “Squid Game: T

How ‘Squid Game: The Challenge’ Built a Killer Glass Bridge Replica That Was Safe for Real-Life Contestants

Trap doors were production design secrets when it came to building one of the toughest games on Netflix’s “Squid Game: The Challenge.” Games production designer Ben Normanneeded to retain the look of the Netflix drama series while making the sets completely immersive for the players.

456 players suited in green tracksuits had to compete in a series of change and strategy games for a prize of $4.56 million. As with the original “Squid Game,” challenges include Green Light/Red Light, Mystery Telephone and even Kitchen Nightmares. As the players dwindled, the games got harder.

In Episode 7 “Friend or Foe,” with just 20 players left, the Glass Bridge challenge required players to carefully choose a glass panel. Pick the wrong one and you fall off. Pick the right one and it’s onto the next panel.

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