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After Scarlett Johansson Dustup, AI Lobbying Group Urges Congress to Outlaw Deepfakes

  2024-06-12 varietyGene Maddaus43010

Scarlett Johansson called for legislation last month to outlaw AI deepfakes, after OpenAI released a voice chat demo tha

After Scarlett Johansson Dustup, AI Lobbying Group Urges Co<i></i>ngress to Outlaw Deepfakes

Scarlett Johansson called for legislation last month to outlaw AI deepfakes, after OpenAI released a voice chat demo that sounded eerily like her.

Now, one of the AI industry’s leading trade groups is joining that call — urging Congress to pass legislation that would protect artists from the unauthorized use of their likenesses.

Microsoft, which has invested $13 billion in OpenAI, is one of the key members of BSA Software Alliance. In a policy statement issued on Monday, the trade group called for the creation of a new federal right to prevent misuse of digital replicas.

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