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‘White Collar’ Reboot in the Works, According to Cast and Creator: New Scripts ‘Honor’ Willie Garson ‘In a Profound Way’

  2024-06-08 varietySelome Hailu36530

As “White Collar” sees a resurgence in popularity years after its conclusion, it seems fans will have new episodes to wa

‘White Collar’ Reboot in the Works, According to Cast and Creator: New s<i></i>cripts ‘Honor’ Willie Garson ‘In a Profound Way’

As “White Collar” sees a resurgence in popularity years after its conclusion, it seems fans will have new episodes to watch soon. Series creator Jeff Eastin revealed at PvNew‘s TV Fest on Thursday that a new version of the police procedural is in the works.

“We’re gonna reboot. I’m writing the script,” he said on a panel alongside stars Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay and Tiffany Thiessen. Bomer confirmed his involvement, saying, “I’m in!” as DeKay and Thiessen also raised their hands.

“It’s a fantastic script and it answers all the questions that one would have if you watch the show,” DeKay said, “and it would introduce the show to those who haven’t seen it as well. Both edges of the sword are honed.”

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(By/Selome Hailu)
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