Bill Maher has finally responded to Steve-O, who said on an episode of the “Wild Ride!” podcast earlier this year that he had to turn down a request to appear on Bill Maher‘s “Club Random” podcast because Maher refused to not smoke weed during the interview despite Steve-O being 16 years sober.In an upcoming episode of “Club Random” with guest Tony Hawk, Maher confirms the story but expresses no regret over turning the “Jackass” alum down.
“That Steve-O guy was taking shots at me in the press recently,” Maher said. “It was an unfortunate … I don’t want to start a feud, and I’m sorry that he felt slighted or something, but it is ridiculous that somebody thinks that I should give up pot smoking because they have a problem. Then I’m sorry you can’t be here.”
Maher noted that the “Club Random” podcast is his house and so the guests have to play by “my rules.”
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“I already have another show. It’s called ‘Real Time.’ It’s on HBO and it’s very much not [with] pot,” Maher said. “This is different. This is just shooting the shit, and this is how I shoot the shit. This is an attempt to get conversation as real as it ever is. Just like if we were doing this, and I don’t see anything that we’ve said that I wouldn’t have just said to you if there were no cameras here — and you even know where the cameras are. Okay, so let’s remember that.”
“I have no feud with any of these ‘Jackass’ [guys],” Maher concluded. “I watched all the movies. They are funny.”
Maher is often seen smoking marijuana during his “Club Random” podcast interviews. Steve-O originally expressed shock that Maher would not forgo smoking weed for one interview, especially because Steve-O had appeared on other podcasts where the host was a marijuana enthusiast but agreed to respect his sobriety.
“I’m a clean and sober guy. It’s very important that I maintain my sobriety, it’s approaching 16 years,” Steve-O said on his own podcast at the time. “I am about to be sweet 16. Really, there’s nothing I value more than my sobriety. There’s nothing more that I protect than my recovery. I found it kind of upsetting when the Bill Maher podcast reached out and he smokes pot the whole time while he interviews people. I said I’d happily go on there, but while I’m on, out of respect for my sobriety, could he refrain from smoking pot. He said no and that’s a dealbreaker.”
As Steve-O’s story gained traction on social media platforms like X last month, some users pointed out that Maher had in fact respected his guest’s boundaries for marijuana in the past. During Sheryl Crow’sappearance on “Club Random,”Maher told her: “That’s when I need a joint … but I’d never light one up in front of you.” He refrained from smoking in front of her.
Maher’s full “Club Random” interview with Tony Hawk will be available on May 20.