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BBC Cut ‘Derry Girls’ Star Siobhan McSweeney’s Political Statement From BAFTA Speech Due to ‘Time Constraints’

  2024-03-20 varietyNaman Ramachandran,Manori Ravindran24250

A politically charged statement from Siobhan McSweeney‘s BAFTA acceptance speech was edited out of the BAFTA TV Awards c

BBC Cut ‘Derry Girls’ Star Siobhan McSweeney’s Political Statement From BAFTA Speech Due to ‘Time Constraints’

A politically charged statement from Siobhan McSweeney‘s BAFTA acceptance speech was edited out of the BAFTA TV Awards ceremony broadcast on Sunday.

McSweeney won the best female comedy performance BAFTA for playing Sister Michael in Channel 4’s Northern Ireland-set show “Derry Girls.” During her speech McSweeney said: “To the people of Derry, thank you for taking me into your hearts and into your living rooms. I am daily impressed with how you encompass the spirit of compromise and resilience despite the indignities, ignorance, and stupidity of your so-called leaders in Dublin, Stormont and Westminster. In the words of my beloved Sister Michael, ‘It’s time they started to wise up.'”

These lines were cut from the broadcast.

What actually happened VS what the BBC aired. Tell me again how the BBC is unbiased? Why have they cut that out? @siobhni @scottygb pic.twitter/aAz6MeCg6p

— Jacob
(By/Naman Ramachandran,Manori Ravindran)
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