Lori Loughlin cheats at golf and flexes a bogus handicap permit in the latest episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which features a hilarious cameo from the “Full House” star poking fun at her role in the 2019 college admissions scandal, for which she served a two-month prison sentence.
Loughlin became the face of the Varsity Blues scandal when she and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud after they were accused of paying $500,000 to get their daughters into the University of Southern California, using falsified athletic profiles. They were among dozens of parents swept up in the investigation of admissions consultant Rick Singer, who admitted to bribing and cheating in order to get his clients’ children into prestigious universities.
In Sunday’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” episode, titled “The Gettysburg Address,” Ted Danson asks Larry David if he would do him a favor by helping Lori gain admittance to his country club by sponsoring her. Learning she’s been blackballed by the local clubs because of her role in the scandal, Larry eagerly agrees, saying, “You know I’m a champion of the underdog.” Soon enough, he’s passionately delivering a plea to the members of Ocean View Country Club in the style of Abraham Lincoln’s famous speech about freedom and equality.
“I highly resolve that she shall not have served her time in vain, and that this exclusive club of specific people, by specific people and for specific people shall have a new specific member,” Larry says as the board gives him a standing ovation.
But Larry soon regrets endorsing Lori, who skirts the “cart path only” rule on her first day of golfing by showing off an exemption. “You gotta have a doctor’s note to get one of those,” Larry says, to which Lori replies: “I have Epstein-Barr … one hematologist thinks so.” After golf, Lori flexes the undeserved handicap sticker on her Porsche and advises Larry to work on his short game.
On the next round, Larry learns that Lori was able to secure a coveted tee time by bribing the starter with $50. And, toward the end of the game, Larry questions Lori’s honesty when it comes to keeping score. “How’d you get it out of the woods? You were pretty deep in there,” he presses.
“I had a good lie,” Lori says, to which Larry mutters: “Yeah, you had a good lie, all right.”