The Sony Pictures Television and Nippon TV format known variously around the world as “Dragons’ Den,” “Shark Tank” and “Lions’ Den” is launching its 50th version, “Shark Tank Bangladesh,” on Bongo and Deepto TV this spring. Buoyed by its success in India, where it launched on channel SET and streamer SonyLiv in 2021 with 75 million viewers on linear alone, future productions of the format are being planned in Pakistan and Nepal.
Since launching in 2001 as “Money Tigers” on Nippon TV in Japan, the format, which sees aspiring entrepreneurs pitch to secure investment from some of the top names in the business world, has become a global success. The format came to the U.K. in 2005 on the BBC and is currently in its 21st series. It launched in America on ABC as “Shark Tank” in 2009 where Season 15 is currently airing. The 40th version was in France in 2020 and it has since gone on to launch in Morocco, Georgia, India, Malta, Egypt, Greece and Cyprus, Slovakia, Dubai and now Bangladesh.
Ahad Bhai, CEO of Bongo, said: “Bangladesh is a land of dynamic entrepreneurs full of grit and determination, but lacks the infrastructure and platforms to support young individuals and businesses as they grow. It is such an honor to have the opportunity to bring a global platform like ‘Shark Tank’ to our country. ‘Shark Tank’ has been my favorite show for many years, and to be a part of this global movement, to help contribute to improving lives and empower entrepreneurs, truly is a dream come true.”
The Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (CIISA) is calling on industry professionals to complete a survey that will help the organization fine-tune its role and services. The survey is being conducted by PA Consulting, an independent research team, on behalf of CIISA, which was set up in the wake of the #MeToo movement to deal with bullying and harassment in the U.K. creative industry. Data collected will be anonymised and aggregated before it’s reviewed by the CIISA team. The survey will be open until midnight on March 10. It can be accessed at