The falling rate of COVID-19 infections and rising rate of vaccination has prompted California state officials to allow concerts and other indoor events to be held at 75% of capacity in some counties so long as all attendees are vaccinated or have tested negative for the virus.
The boost to indoor event capacity levels came as a welcome sign of California’s progress against the pandemic. The increase to 75% capacity takes affect for those counties already in the Yellow tier, indicating that infection rates are minimal. Los Angeles County remains in the Orange tier that is still held to a maximum of 50% capacity for indoor gatherings.
At present, only three counties in northern California qualify for the increased 75% capacity limit, while 33 remain at Orange level deemed moderate and 22 are designated Red, or substantial.
California’s moves raise questions about how vaccine and testing mandates will be enforced as California and other states begin to open up from more than a year of pandemic lockdown conditions. The state guidelines indicated that there will be separate sections for those who have confirmed vaccinations and those who have negative COVID-19 tests.
In announcing the capacity boost for Yellow tier counties, the state also issued some fine print that offered insights into how vaccinations will be /confirm/ied:
- Vaccination card (which includes name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided and date last dose administered)
- a photo of a vaccination card as a separate document
- a photo of the attendee’s vaccine card stored on a phone or electronic device
- documentation of vaccination from a healthcare provider.