Over the weekend, legendary music producer Rick Rubin organized an under-the-radar music event called Festival of the Sun in Tuscany, where performers included James Blake, Win Butler and Régine Chassagne from Arcade Fire, Rhye, Beth Ditto and Italian rapper-pop starJovanotti.
Twitter co-founder and former CEOJack Dorsey was also on hand at the multi-disciplinary Tuscan fest, where director Andrew Dominik introduced a screening of his Nick Cave doc “This Much I Know to Be True.”
Billed as a celebration of the summer solstice, the June 21-22 event was held in Casole d’Elsa, a medieval village in the Sienese countryside where Rubin purchased a large farm in 2019.According to Italian press reports, proceedings kicked off Saturday afternoon in the Collegiata di Santa Maria Assuntachurch with mantras performed by Grammy-nominated Kirtan artist Krishna Das, who is known as yoga’s “rock star.” Then, Jovanotti – who is recovering from a thigh bone injury – took the stage, followed by James Blake and Beth Ditto with her indie rock band Gossip.
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