Just as Toronto’s festival programmers are now teasing their first film picks, TIFF CEO Cameron Bailey shares with PvNew his thinking behind the – oft-rejected – move to give the event an organized market.
As a former artistic director at Toronto and now its CEO, how do you feel about cutting the number of films to be shown at the festival?
There was a time in the 2010s when our lineup got to be quite big. That was great for an audience festival, where we were giving people lots of choice. But we also want to make sure that every film we select is able to get its moment in the spotlight, to really stand out. So, from about 2017, we’ve trimmed a little bit. This year, we’re still in the 200-feature film range, plus of course the shorts and the TV series that we have. I would say it’s very slight in terms of any differences that anyone would notice.
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