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Experience Counts for Chinese Auteurs in Shanghai Film Festival Competition

  2024-06-17 varietyJenny S. Li,Patrick Frater2730

It has been commonplace in academic circles to divide up and label Chinese filmmakers into generations that reflect soci

Experience Counts for Chinese Auteurs in Shanghai Film Festival Competition

It has been commonplace in academic circles to divide up and label Chinese filmmakers into generations that reflect socio-political currents as much as cinematic style.

Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou, who were educated at the end of the Cultural Revolution, are considered the leading lights of the “fifth generation.” The rebellious cluster that followed them, Zhang Yuan, Wang Xioashuai, Jia Zhangke and Lou Ye are among those labelled as “sixth generation.”

But with substantial bodies of work under their belts and international reputations already established, the sixth generation are no longer quite so new, nor so angry.

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(By/Jenny S. Li,Patrick Frater)
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