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11 Portuguese Animation Talents to Track


Portugal is this year’s Country of Honor at the Annecy Animation Festival, so we’ve decided to take a close look at the

11 Portuguese Animation Talents to Track

Portugal is this year’s Country of Honor at the Annecy Animation Festival, so we’ve decided to take a close look at the current generation of artists who are helping to inspire a new era for the country’s animation sector and, increasingly, making waves abroad.

Below is a list, in no particular order, of 11 exciting Portuguese animation talents to keep an eye on. Some have been around for several years and already started to put together impressive bodies of work, while others are just emerging on the scene.

Rodrigo Goulão De Sousa

The work of Gobelins-trained filmmaker Rodrigo Goulão De Sousa features a distinct 2D aesthetic and genre-heavy horror and thriller themes that regularly border on the unsettling. The combination makes his titles feel as contemporary thematically as they do aesthetically, expanding the ways that animation can be used to frighten audiences. De Sousa’s appearance on our list is well-timed, as Adult Swim is in the middle of posting a trio of his horror shorts on its official YouTube channel as part of its Adult Swim Smalls collection. Several of de Sousa’s films are available online. We suggest “Tales of Salt Water,” the “Playground” trailer, “Uncanny Alley 01 – The Screening” to get you started.

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