Dakota Fanning went viral in April for revealing that not only did Tom Cruise gift her a cell phone when she celebrated her 11th birthday on the set of their 2005 movie “War of the Worlds” but that he’s also proceeded to send her a birthday gift every year since. That’s nearly two decades worth of birthday presents, all of which have apparently been shoes. Fanning revealed the specifics of Cruise’s gifting habits during a new interview on Kelly Clarkson’s daytime talk show (via Entertainment Weekly).
“I turned 11 on‘War of the Worlds,’ when we worked together and he gave me my first cell phone for that birthday,” Fanning said. “It was a Motorola Razr…I didn’t have anyone to call, but I wanted a Razr so bad. I must have been talking about it a lot because that’s what he got me. It’s such a great memory.”
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