Fiona Applehas dropped a new song as part of the season finale of Amazon Studios’ series“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.” With vocals by Apple and music by Bear McCreary, the song is titled “Where the Shadows Lie” and is from a J.R.R. Tolkien poem that appeared in the original books — the song appears only on Amazon Music but a link and excerpt is below.
“The musical legacy of‘TheLord of the Rings’brings to mind ethereal vocals carrying lyricalmelodies over evocativeharmonies,so it was my natural inclination to composesuch a song for‘The Rings of Power,’”said McCreary. “based onJ.R.R. Tolkien’siconic ‘Ring Poem’ text, I wrotethe song ‘Where the Shadows Lie’ as a theme for the titularRings of Power,forthe magic ofmithril, for the sinister machinations of Sauron, and for hisland of Mordor.”
He continued, “To embody all these narrativeelements into one voice is no small task, and so I am especially grateful tohavecollaborated with legendary singerFionaApple. Inarguably one of thedefinitive musical voices of her generation,Fionabrought new depths andnarrative intention to the song’s unique combination of my hauntingmelody and Tolkien’s ominoustext. I have been inspired by her musicalityfor two decades, and I could not imagine an artist better suited to bringto life themystery, majesty, and power of this song. I am thrilled audiencescan finally hear ‘Where the Shadows Lie,’ a song westrategically withheld fromthe Season One album until now, so that its significance would not be spoiledin the earlyepisodes.”
Since releasingher critically raved-about album “Fetch the Bolt Cutters”in April 2020, Apple has released a cover of the country classic “(Remember Me) I’m the One Who Loves You” for the Watkins Family Hour,covered Sharon Van Etten’s “Love More,” contributed a song to Apple TV’s“Central Park”series, and guested on Bob Dylan’s album“Rough and Rowdy Ways.” Listen to “Where Shadows Lie” on Amazon Music.