Just how grisly is one “Saw X” scene? Apparently enough to get the cops called on the film’s editor, Steve Forn. In an interview with NME, director Kevin Greutert revealed that police showed up to Forn’s editing suite in North Hollywood after neighbors reported noises of someone being tortured to death. Forn was in the middle of editing a scene depicting the “eye vacuum trap,” in which a character must escape Jigsaw’s game or lose his eyesight. A lot of screaming ensues.
“There was a knock at the door,” Greutert said. “We have the doorbell [camera] video of the police walking up, [Forn answering the door] and the police saying, ‘The neighbors [have been] calling and saying someone’s being tortured to death in here.’ And he was like, ‘Actually, I’m just working on a movie…You can come in and see it if you want?'”
“The cops started laughing!” the director continued. “They said, ‘We want to but, you know, you’re all right.’ It must have been a pretty realistic performance! It’s a pretty funny story…Plus Steve is such a mild mannered guy. I can only imagine the look on his face when he realized what was happening!”
Greutert is a “Saw” franchise veteran having served as editor on the original movie. He went on to direct three “Saw” movies, the latest of which has been earning the best reviews of the franchise. The film currently boats a healthy 84% Rotten Tomatoes score from 62 reviews.
From PvNew’s review: “The last ‘Saw’ film, ‘Spiral’ (2021), saw the series running on fumes, creatively and at the box office. So the gurus of the franchise got together and made a clear decision that something had to be done to inject new lifeblood into the wheezy old contraption. They came up with a solution that, in theory, sounds good: ‘Saw X,’ the 10th entry in the now two-decade-old series, comes closer than most of the ‘Saw’ films to being an actual movie.”
“Saw X” is now playing in theaters nationwide from Lionsgate.