Anita Baker is standing up for herself in an online spat over Babyface‘s slashed opening set during a Mayshowing of her “Songstress Tour.” Baker has gone so far as publicly asking Babyface to tame his fanbase, claiming that his supporters have been bullying and threatening her online.
For some (much-needed) context, this all stems from Babyface’s feature as a surprise guest on Baker’s 15-city tour that kicked off earlier this February. He was slated to open her New Jersey concert on May 10 but took to social media after he did not appear at the Prudential Center. In a tweet, he explained that his set was tossed so that headliner Baker could perform since the show had a late start due to technical issues.
“I am truly sorry to my fans who have been waiting for us to hit the stage this evening at@PruCenter. I was asked not to perform in order to give Ms. Baker her space and time to perform her show in its entirety,” Babyface wrote on Twitter that night. “My band and I are extremely saddened we didn’t get to perform for y’all tonight.”
According to a long series of Baker’s tweets, she’s been dealing with hate from his fanbase ever since, and on June 9, she posted a tweet about Babyface’s silence in the matter.
“When A friend, is being attacked, by Your friends?…because, of Mis-information/fake news And, You have an Opportunity, to Say Something/Correct it? … It’s the Right thing to do,” she wrote, ending with “Reputation, Peace & Safety Matters.”
When A friend, is being attacked, by Your friends?… because, of Mis-information/fake news And, You have an Opportunity, to Say Something/Correct it?
… It's A Nice, thing.
… It's the Right