We are completely new to this but we are throwing ourselves into it curious about what it can contribute to our sex life. We love having sex with each other and are getting ready to get it on film... And getting even hornier at the thought of sharing it with you! Now we take it to the next step and hope you will like what you see! We will try to upload at least one clip a week to start with. Right now we have clips coming in that need to be approved first...:)We do this as a couple so no point in targeting one of us.Vi u00e5 detta men vi kastar oss in i detta nyfikna pu00e5rt sexliv. Vi u00e5r i gu00e5 att fu00e5 film.. Och blir u00e5tare av tanken pu00e4sta steg och hoppas ni kommer gilla det ni ser! Vi kommer fu00f6ka ladda upp minst ett klipp i veckan till att bu00e5 vu00e5ste godku00f6rst..:) Vi gu00e5 ingen mening att rikta in sig pu00e5 en av oss [
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