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Grant Davidson


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Grant Davidson is an American actor originally from Nashville Tennessee, best known for his lead roles in "The Prayer Box" opposite Dinese Richards & Reginald VelJohnson and the upcoming feature "The Blind" - a telling of the backstory of Duck Dynasty - set to release end of 2023.Grant performed his first live performance at age four, and continued to pursue acting throughout Atlanta and Los Angeles, landing his first commercial at age 10. Since, Grant has three series' lead roles and 2 feature films under his belt.The Prayer Box' lead role of "Wesley" marked Grant's feature film debut telling the story of a young boy finding hope and community amidst a family in crisis that ultimately brings he and his mother closer together. Grant showed wisdom beyond his years with his authentic, straightforward style of acting while addressing difficult topics on-camera and throughout his engagement with the director, cast, and crew.Grant's most recent role playing a teenage Si Robertson - a rea... [Details Intro]