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Charlene Bollinger


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Charlene Bollinger was born on April 16, 1968 in Steubenville, Ohio to parents Gary and Betty Kessler. After high school she was approached by a local modeling agency and began modeling and acting at the local theater in Wheeling, West Virginia.In 1988, Charlene auditioned for America's best acting schools and was chosen as the top candidate by the Dean of the School of Dramatic Arts at the University of Southern California (USC). A sudden and unexpected turn of events forced her to move to another state and work to make a living. While she was forced to be independent and make a living for herself, the Dean and his assistant continued reaching out to her, diligently attempting to get Charlene to come and join their acting program, but she was unable to both support herself financially and also attend acting school at the same time. As a result, she remained in the work force only to continue to dream about the life she was meant to live in the future.The plans she had for herself w... [Details Intro]