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Jean Kartal


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Jean Kartal is a Russian/Swedish award winning actor and athleteJean was born in Moscow to a Russian mother and Turkish father. His family moved to Sweden when Jean was 5 years old in pursuit of better life conditions. Jean was mostly raised by his mother due to his father constantly traveling abroad for work. Jean is trilingual, speaking fluently in English, Swedish and Russian.From the age of 9 Jean found a big passion for basketball and at the age of 14 he was accepted into the basketball preparatory high school program in Stockholm where athletes are being prepared for further collegiate programs or pro leagues. After graduating high school Jean moved to Los Angeles in hopes of continuing his athletic career, however due to previous injures and physical therapy the interest for basketball diminished over time and not long after when Jean got accepted into college in California he stopped seeing any real future in basketball and was soon only studying academically, until he ... [Details Intro]