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David Coatsworth

Additional Crew,Stunts,Special Effects

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David Coatsworth moved into Television & Film Production work when his police career ended prematurely following serious injury. A Production Advisor at the BBC 1991-1995 he was responsible for the use of Firearms, Weaponry & Pyrotechnics across all areas of BBC output. During this 5 year period he worked on and often appeared in numerous Films, Dramas & Documentaries. He left the BBC in 1995 to join the Humanitarian Relief Operation in Former Yugoslavia. Having left school 1976 when he joined London's Metropolitan Police Force, he returned to education in 1999-2005 gaining Cert. HE and BA & MA Degrees from Ruskin College, Oxford and St. Edmund's College, Cambridge. Following graduation he worked briefly for Porsche in a specialist driving role before spending 10 years in international risk management. Since 2014 he's worked as a Specialist, Educational & Small Group Tour Leader.

David Coatsworth moved into Television & Film Production work when his police career ended... [Details Intro]