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Everett is a critically acclaimed young actor who has a true passion for the craft. From the outset, he quickly established himself as a quietly intense, versatile and accomplished story teller. Notably, he had a Supporting Lead role in Netflix's 5-time Emmy Award winning "Lost Ollie" in which Oscar winning director Peter Ramsey shared that Everett "was able to take the character of Mike to a level of edginess and believability that perfectly suited the feel we needed for our show, which combines fantasy and a grounded realism". He also had the privilege of working with iconic director Helen Shaver as Guest Star on the pilot for the reboot of prime-time NBC's "Quantum Leap", which earned him two Leo Award Nominations and recently played the lead in the film "Navigating Christmas" directed by Peter Benson. As a carded athlete with the National Sport Institute, Everett is a national level elite gymnast, spending a great deal of time in the pursuit of athletic excellence. A top ranked ... [Details Intro]