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David Berg

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David Berg (February 18, 1919 - October 1994) was the founder and leader of the Children of God, now called The Family International. The group believes he continues to lead them today from beyond the grave. Berg founded the new religious movement/cult/missionary organization known as the Children-of-God in 1968. The group was later known as The Family of Love, The Family, and now The Family International.David Brandt Berg mostly lived in total seclusion and secrecy from his followers. Along with Karen Zerby (whom he took as a common-law second wife in August 1969), Berg is thought to have used a fake Australian passport when traveling. In Family publications, printed photographs of the cult's World Services members were typically censored by means of a rudimentary drawing pasted over the persons face, and in Berg's case it was common for his head to be replaced with that of a lion. The writing's he sent to each cult member were call "Mo letters" as Mo was short for the Biblica... [Details Intro]