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Eleonora Fani


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Ms. Fani has a long training, as an Interactive cognitive psychologist and psychotherapist, incorporating a fondness of Art, literature, symbolism, ancient languages, archetypal psychology and classical Mythology. Eleonora Fani has delved into numerous fields, of unconventional medicine, achieving the diploma in Hahnemann homeopathy and also in the discipline of hypnosis therapy. From the age of 12 to17, she attended the acting school "Teatro d'Uomo" founded by Anna Bolens. Ms Fani, invented her own "psicomimesis" method. An innovative technique, that uses acting in order to change the self representation, of the individuals persona. In 2004 FANI, published "Psiche e Afrodite" (Psyche and Aphrodite), a text of classical mythology and psychology and "Rinascere negli Dei" (Reborn in the Gods), a theatrical screenplay - ECIG Edizioni - Between 2005 and 2008 she followed the "Strasberg-Stanislavsky Method" at "Duse Institute" in Rome and was taught under the leadership of Michael Margot... [Details Intro]