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Louis DeStefano


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Louis DeStefano is Italian American Actor born and raised in Redondo Beach, Torrance, CA. A Los Angeles native of the South Bay Beach areas. In the 1980's and early 90's Louis learned martial arts under his Dad's teaching of Taekwondo and then learned Chinese Kenpo karate by his instructor Hugo Rojas Jr. Loving action and martial arts movies, when Jean Claude Van Damme came out with the movie Bloodsport and Kickboxer. Louis's Dad took him to see Van Damme's movies for the first time and it inspired him to want to be an actor And pursue the movie business.In 2013 he trained under Anthony Gilardi from the Anthony Gilardi Acting Studio in Los Angeles, CA became SAG Eligible the beginning of 2013 right away working on a t.v pilot called Real Estate MILFIA thanks to his friend Santina Ferrante and Director Jon Artigo for casting him to give him a shot and opportunity and the rests is history.In 2018 he booked a huge supporting role in Prey of Wrath which was formerly known as Lady Spetsn... [Details Intro]