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Panda Pryor

Stunts,Transportation Department,Actress

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Andascha Moore-Pryor, also known as Stage Name "Panda Pryor" was born and raised in Southern California. She graduated college as a Student Athlete in 2012 where she received her Bachelors in Film Production from Howard University in Washington, DC. She then moved back home and started working in the business as a Production Assistant in the spring of 2013. Working her way up in production she also assisted other departments such as Camera, Craft Services, Grip & Electric, Wardrobe, and the AD Department. During her time working in the industry she started training Kickboxing and Muay Thai since 2014 and competed shortly after. As a continued passion she took acting courses and did small projects in her free time. She also continues to play Slow-pitch and Fast-Pitch softball recreation-ally. Following her journey, she started working as a Truck/Camera Production Assistant in commercials in late 2015. It was then, she decided to get her CDL CLASS AM1 license in 2016 where s... [Details Intro]