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Ryan James


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Ryan James is an American actor and producer based in Los Angeles, California. He was born and raised in Florida, where he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film Production from the University of Central Florida. His production company, Pink Plaid Productions, is behind the award-winning Kevin Smith biopic comedy feature Shooting Clerks as well as the upcoming horror films Cannibal Comedian, Dark Circles and AREA 5150.
Ryan James
Bio: Ryan James is an American actor and producer based in Los Angeles, California. He was born and raised in Florida, where he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film Production from the University of Central Florida. His production company, Pink Plaid Productions, is behind the award-winning Kevin Smith biopic comedy feature Shooting Clerks as well as the upcoming horror films Cannibal Comedian, Dark Circles and AREA 5150.

Tivia: Named his production company, 'Pink Plaid', after his trademark jacket.Spent 2-3 hours pitching himself (via Skype) and his skill-set to Christopher Downie in order to be brought on board as 2nd unit director. This paid off as he would later go on to become one of the film's producers as well as director of 2nd unit.Spent and entire working week in a Florida film school edit bay with director Christopher Downie, when the film they were set to screen that weekend was damaged during international transit.
Name: Ryan James Type: Actor,Producer,Editor (IMDB)
Area: All World Platform: IMDB
Business scope: Actor,Producer,Editor
Products for sale: Actor,Producer,Editor
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Ryan James data
Last update: 2024-07-02 04:09:06
Ryan James profile
Height: 5' 11' (1.80 m)
Birth place: 1785
Biography: Ryan James is an American actor and producer based in Los Angeles, California. He was born and raised in Florida, where he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film Production from the University of Central Florida. His production company,
Trivia: Named his production company, 'Pink Plaid', after his trademark jacket.Spent 2-3 hours pitching himself (via Skype) and his skill-set to Christopher Downie in order to be brought on board as 2nd unit director. This paid off as he would later go on to become one of the film's producers as well as director of 2nd unit.Spent and entire working week in a Florida film school edit bay with director Christopher Downie, when the film they were set to screen that weekend was damaged during international transit.
Trademarks: Pink plaid jacket.
Quotes: This is my nightmare.
Job title: Actor,Producer,Editor
Ryan James SNS
Official site: http://www.bookryanjames.com/
Pvnew page: http://pvnew.com/user/nm5696836/
Platform page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5696836/
Identifier url: http://res.cmspc.com/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=3173&id=87853