Gabrielle is a British actress, best known for playing series regular Katrina in 5 seasons of Wolfblood and 2 seasons of spin-off series Wolfblood Secrets, both for BBC Television, making her the longest serving cast member on the show. She was raised in Middlesbrough, North East England and is now based in East London.
Gabrielle is a British actress, best known for playing series regular Katrina in 5 seasons of Wolfblood and 2 seasons of spin-off series Wolfblood Secrets, both for BBC Television, making her the longest serving cast member on the show. She was raised in Middlesbrough, North East England and is now based in East London.
Gabrielle is a British actress, best known for playing series regular Katrina in 5 seasons of Wolfblood and 2 seasons of spin-off series Wolfblood Secrets, both for BBC Television, making her the longest serving cast member on the show. She was raise