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Daniel Steven Gonzalez


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Born Oct 11, 1979 Daniel showed interest in performing at an early age.After performing in various plays both in school and at The SantaMonica Playhouse Daniel appeared in casting publication called FacesInternational which lead to his signing with his first agency at age 9.Daniel worked steadily as a child with small roles in many differentprojects including playing Future Boy in The Land of The Lost andplaying opposite Jennifer Lopez in 2 separate night time soap operasfor CBS. Daniel stopped acting in high school in order to concentrateon school and sports where he excelled as an athlete. After high schoolDaniel pursued another passion of his and followed in his fathersfootsteps becoming a Paramedic and getting hired by the LAFD as afirefighter paramedic for one of the largest, busiest and mostrespected fire departments in the world. After 10 years on the job as aFirefighter/ Paramedic Daniel felt a calling to return to acting. Sincehis return to Hollywood Daniel has been st... [Details Intro]