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Daniil Kvyat

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Daniil Vyacheslavovich Kvyat was born to Vyacheslav and Zulfiya Kvyat. Vyacheslav Kvyat worked for Bashneft, initially as a mechanic at the Novo-Ufan refinery, but rose through the ranks to become the financial director of the export division until 1996. Later he branched out and worked with other energy companies, ending up as CFO of West Siberian Energy. At the same time he stood for election as a Deputy in the Bashkortostan state parliament .Daniil competed in Formula One between 2014-2017 and 2019-2020, racing under the Russian flag. He became the second Formula One driver from Russia and is the most successful of the four Russian drivers to date, with three podiums.

Daniil Vyacheslavovich Kvyat was born to Vyacheslav and Zulfiya Kvyat. Vyacheslav Kvyat worked for Bashneft, initially as a mechanic at the Novo-Ufan refinery, but rose through the ranks to become the financial director of the export division until 1996. Later he branched out and worked with other energy co... [Details Intro]