Born and raised in New Jersey, Sara Benincasa is an actress, writer, comedian and the author of "Real Artists Have Day Jobs" (William Morrow 2016); "DC Trip" (Adaptive 2015); "Great" (HarperTeen 2014); and "Agorafabulous!: Dispatches From My Bedroom" (William Morrow 2012). She wrote for season 13 of Mystery Science Theater 3000; adapted "DC Trip" as a screenplay with Bona Fide, Gunpowder & Sky, and Adaptive Studios; and adapted "Agorafabulous!" as a pilot for TV with Academy Award-winning screenwriter Diablo Cody. She lives in New York and Los Angeles.
Born and raised in New Jersey, Sara Benincasa is an actress, writer, comedian and the author of "Real Artists Have Day Jobs" (William Morrow 2016); "DC Trip" (Adaptive 2015); "Great" (HarperTeen 2014); and "Agorafabulous!: Dispatches From My Bedroom" (William Morrow 2012). She wrote for season 13 of Mystery Science Theater 3000; adapted "DC Trip" as a screenplay with Bona Fide, Gunpowder & Sky, and Adaptive Studios; and adapt... [
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