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David Acuff


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After graduating 139th(?) in his class at North Carolina State University, S. David Acuff took the freelance world by storm with such amazing videos as "What is the Baptist State Convention?" and the equally compelling "Art of Pysanki: Ukrainian Easter Eggs."Afterward, having had quite enough of the "real world" he sought refuge once more in the hallowed halls of academia in 1999 - 2001 to complete a Master's degree in Cinema-Television. At Regent University he worked for a year as the Production Coordinator for all of Regent's student film productions.He did such a (sub)exemplary job that he was selected by faculty to direct their $25,000 half-hour summer film called "Byline."Cannes... Sundance... the Student Academy Awards... these were just a few of the many festivals that "Byline" was NOT shown at. However, the film has won over 10 other awards including a CINE Golden Eagle in January 2003 and a Gold Star from Mom. Its success prompted many a proud faculty member to pr... [Details Intro]