Lila McLaughlin is a screenwriter based in her hometown, Los Angeles. She currently writes for TV/Film projects for various producers in comedy, action, thriller, drama and sci-fi. She has a university Bachelors degree in Political Science and is also an alum of the renowned The Second City. She has sold and written for independent productions and studios including CBS Films and has previously been invited into studio writing roundtable teams for Universal Pictures and Fox Studios, helping to shape scripts in development for production. She was the 2nd Unit Director and Assistant Director on the award-winning independent feature film Hero Man. Lila has 3 comedy feature films optioned with Voltage Pictures, Fortitude International, and Big Cat Productions, in various stages of prep. Lila is also a recent published author in 2018 with her book G.I. Hollywood published by Heritage Builders Publishing and sold on Amazon, in Barnes & Noble and bookstores nationwide.
Lila McLaugh... [
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