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Cass Warner


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Cass Warner has the honor of being a third-generation filmmaker. Her grandfather, Harry M. Warner, was the original President and one of the founders of Warner Bros. studio.She began her career sitting in on story meetings with her award-winning writer/producer father, Milton Sperling, and wandering the Warner Bros. lot observing the magic of movie making.After studying acting with the acclaimed Milton Katselas, and learning screenwriting under the mentor-ship of her father and Howard Koch of Casablanca fame, her production company, Warner Sisters, was born. Cass carries on the original Warner Bros. motto--making films that "educate, entertain and enlighten."After years of research, Cass wrote "The Brothers Warner" book, the definitive family biography and intimate portrait of the four legendary Warner brothers, who founded Warner Bros. studio. It's told through Cass's eyes, and through the voices of others who knew them.Warner Sisters, is proud to have on her slate, all of Howard K... [Details Intro]