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A. David Burleigh

Actor,Camera and Electrical Department,Stunts

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"Life is like a boomerang..." say's A. David Burleigh (aka) "Big Dave," an 'AmeriCanadian' Record Producer/ Artist/ Singer-Songwritre/multi-instrumentalist, whom brings his grasp of the musically universal feel for the beats and groove to the songs he Penns, shapes and produces. His tailored melodies are instantly memorable, catchy, and rhythmic tunes that are lyrically rich. As an artist, Burleigh understands how to build an environment in which musicians thrive and create their best work. As a businessperson he is able to shape and package artistic recordings that sell.Through his companies Fifty9 Records, Fifty9 Productions, WatchTowre Music Publishing Company (BMI) and Fifty9 Films, Burleigh, has produced and consulted for a broad variety of talent, ranging from film works to gospel, rhythm and blues bands, and to heavy metal rock 'n rollers. His list of clients includes: DayVee and The Rockett Band, The Sold-out Band (lead by West Adam's 4 Square Choir, Charles Williams), Paris... [Details Intro]