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Adam Juegos


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Adam Juegos is an award-winning filmmaker an innovator in the field of emerging technologies. His diverse and impressive background has seen him establish himself as a creative force in the film industry and a forward-thinking developer in the tech landscape.Based in New York, Adam's cinematic journey took flight at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where he earned a BFA in Film & TV Production, Writing & Directing. His education extended to the University of Southern California and NYU's ITP program, where he studied Cinematography and Interactive Computing and Game Design, respectively.While studying at NYU, Adam co-wrote and directed the critically acclaimed mini-musical comedy, "The Porns". This unique project, which has garnered 15 awards and received 18 nominations from festivals worldwide, underscores Adam's extraordinary ability to blend comedy and drama in his storytelling. As a member of the comedy film duo Juegos Bros, Adam brings a hands-on approa... [Details Intro]