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David Jaffe

Writer,Additional Crew,Director

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David Jaffe (Dave Jaffe, as to some of his friends) Was born in December 1st 1971, in Birmingham Alabama. (He hasn't really talked about his childhood to the public.) As we jump in to 1993, David jaffe and One of his friends were stuck in LA traffic and a thought came to Jaffe, "What if my car had guns and missile's?" And that is where the idea for Twisted Metal came from (1995). David jaffe contacted Sony and told him the idea of the game. They liked the idea and put him and part of his team with Singletrac, in Utah. During the early stages of development, Twisted metal was going to be a pizza delivery game, But as time went on, It went though name changes. Codename Firestorm, Then changed to High Octane, Urban assault, Cars and missile's. Then it was named twisted metal. It was released in 1995, and sold 1.12 million units. They then developed Warhawk, and twisted metal 2. After twisted metal 2, The rights where handed to 989 studios, and they released Twisted metal 3, a... [Details Intro]