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David Draiman


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David Draiman's father YJ Draiman is a candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles in the 2017 Elections and is the number 2 candidate after the current mayor. David's father is a fourth term elected official in the City of Los Angeles, he also ran for mayor of Los Angeles in 2013 and his Agenda is to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy and Water conservation technology, bringing about thousands of businesses and revitalizing Los Angeles Economy and creating over a hundred thousand new jobs in Southern California.

David Draiman's father YJ Draiman is a candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles in the 2017 Elections and is the number 2 candidate after the current mayor. David's father is a fourth term elected official in the City of Los Angeles, he also ran for mayor of Los Angeles in 2013 and his Agenda is to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy and Water conservation technology, bringing about thousands of businesses and revitalizing Los Angeles Econom... [Details Intro]