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Callum Barratt


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Callum Rhys Barratt is a British filmmaker/Actor born in Manchester. Callum started with acting at college and was introduced briefly to filmmaking. Studying filmmaking, Callum began to find an interest in making films. He began making his first short film Standoff in Stockport, The Deathwish, and UNSEEN, and eventually made his college project, The Wrong Urn. Callum learns from his failures to adapt them into successes for his future films.
Callum Barratt
Bio: Callum Rhys Barratt is a British filmmaker/Actor born in Manchester. Callum started with acting at college and was introduced briefly to filmmaking. Studying filmmaking, Callum began to find an interest in making films. He began making his first short film Standoff in Stockport, The Deathwish, and UNSEEN, and eventually made his college project, The Wrong Urn. Callum learns from his failures to adapt them into successes for his future films.

Name: Callum Barratt Type: Writer,Director (IMDB)
Area: All World Platform: IMDB
Business scope: Writer,Director
Products for sale: Writer,Director
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Callum Barratt data
Last update: 2024-07-02 03:54:57
Callum Barratt profile
Biography: Callum Rhys Barratt is a British filmmaker/Actor born in Manchester. Callum started with acting at college and was introduced briefly to filmmaking. Studying filmmaking, Callum began to find an interest in making films. He began making his first shor
Job title: Writer,Director
Relatives: CJ Barratt-Hindle (Sibling) Karen Nolan (Grandparent)
Callum Barratt SNS
Pvnew page: http://pvnew.com/user/nm13328691/
Platform page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13328691/
Identifier url: http://res.cmspc.com/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=3173&id=87400