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Keith Tisdell


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Keith Tisdell was born in Denver Colorado. A high school all-starbasketball player at Aurora Central High School, he accepted a fullbasketball scholarship to play at Northwestern State University ofLouisiana intent on becoming a child psychologist. His career pathchanged at the beginning of his senior year when, after attending anopen house , he was asked to move to New York City to pursue a modelingcareer. After receiving his psychology degree and trying his hand in ashort stinted run at a professional basketball career, Keith foundhimself pounding the legendary pavements of the Big Apple with thediligence and relentlessness that marked his basketball career. Neverafraid of a challenge and not shake-in by life's curves he was asked towork with the renowned Tupu Kweli Theatre Company in Harlem NY. It wasthere, with the help of its acclaimed founder, Curtiss I. Cook andfellow company members, that Keith Began to develop his relentlesspassion for and dedication to acting. You have see... [Details Intro]