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David de Lautour


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David de Lautour is an actor from New Zealand who was born in Christchurch NZ. Lautour's career has also encompassed directing, writing, music and voice acting. Lautour is most known for his roles on Power Rangers Jungle Fury (2008), Being Eve (2001), Westside (2015) and a role in series 7 of Wentworth (2013) as Dr. Greg Miller. Lautour would also direct episodes of Westside.David also started the production company Tool Shed Productions in 2006 which has produced a number of films, stage plays and his band, Four Tribe Native.David also provided his voice in many video games, these would include Mad Max (2015), Battlefield 1 (2016), DmC: Devil May Cry (2013).

David de Lautour is an actor from New Zealand who was born in Christchurch NZ. Lautour's career has also encompassed directing, writing, music and voice acting. Lautour is most known for his roles on Power Rangers Jungle Fury (2008), Being Eve (2001), Westside (2015) and a role in series 7 of Wentworth (2013) as Dr. Gr... [Details Intro]