Lila Bahng is an twelve -year-old Asian American actress, singer, dancer, and model. She played the lead role of Katie in the film The Room in the Elephant, which went on to screen at the Oscar-qualifying Heartland International Film Festival. Lila has appeared in numerous theater productions, national print campaigns, and commercials. Lila enjoys gymnastics, aerial silks, and playing the ukulele and electric guitar. She is represented by Big Fish NW, AEFH, Osbrink Voiceover, and Metaverse Entertainment. Follow Lila @lilanoellebahng.
Lila Bahng is an twelve -year-old Asian American actress, singer, dancer, and model. She played the lead role of Katie in the film The Room in the Elephant, which went on to screen at the Oscar-qualifying Heartland International Film Festival. Lila has appeared in numerous theater productions, national print campaigns, and commercials. Lila enjoys gymnastics, aerial silks, and playing the ukulele and electric guitar. She is represented by Big F... [
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