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David Yaffe

Sound Department,Actor

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David Yaffe, also known as David Barr-Yaffe, C.A.S. has been in production sound in the television and motion picture industry for over 42 years. Starting as a utility sound technician, then boom operator and, in 1987, a production sound mixer. Prior to moving into the industry, he was a music mixer for such groups as Motley Crue and Van Halen in the late 70's.With an extensive resume of mixing experience on motion pictures, television series, commercials and documentaries, as well as a certified Pro Tools engineer, Barr-Yaffe is one of the most versatile and experienced on-set mixers still active in the industry.Specializing in Production Sound Mixing and On-Set Music Playback.Available for work around the globe, associations include membership in motion picture union locals 695 (Los Angeles), 479 (Atlanta), and 478 (New Orleans) available as well in Albuquerque and Hawaii.

David Yaffe, also known as David Barr-Yaffe, C.A.S. has been in production sound in the televis... [Details Intro]