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David Wenham


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David Wenham is an Australian actor who is known for his portrayals of Faramir from The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Friar Carl from the Van Helsing franchise and Dilios from 300. He also acted in Moulin Rouge, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Dark City, Top of the Lake, SeaChange and Peter Rabbit.

David Wenham is an Australian actor who is known for his portrayals of Faramir from The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Friar Carl from the Van Helsing franchise and Dilios from 300. He also acted in Moulin Rouge, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Dark City, Top of the Lake, SeaChange and Peter Rabbit.

Was cast in The Lord of the Rings because of his resemblance to his on-screen brother, Sean Bean. As Wenham notes, they both have big noses.Has been voted Australia's sexiest man alive.Read a poem called "The Crocodiles Are Crying" at the Steve Irwin Memorial Service.In the cave scene in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) where Fara... [Details Intro]