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Alan Tudyk


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Alan Tudyk was born in El Paso, Texas, and grew up in Plano, where he attended Plano Sr. High. In 1990, he went on to study drama at Lon Morris Jr. College. While there, he was awarded the Academic Excellence Award for Drama. He was also named Most Likely to Succeed and Sophomore Beau. During this time, Alan was also an active member of the Delta Psi Omega fraternity.After leaving LMJC, Alan went on to study at the prestigious Juilliard conservatory but left in 1996 before earning a degree.After a number of smaller stage productions and a small role in the movie Patch Adams (1998), Alan landed his first Broadway role in 1999 with "Epic Proportions." He quickly became a sought-after comedic actor, with roles in such films as 28 Days (2000) and A Knight's Tale (2001).In 2002, Alan got the role of Wash, the wise-cracking pilot of Serenity on the short-lived series Firefly (2002). Although it lasted only eleven episodes, this may be Alan's most well-known and best-loved role. No other networks would buy the failed series, but Universal Pictures began courting creator Joss Whedon to produce a big-screen version of the series. While awaiting the final news of Firefly's fate, Alan played the beloved Steve the Pirate in the movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) and the voice of the robot Sonny in I, Robot (2004).In 2005, Alan finally reprised the role of Wash in Serenity (2005), the feature-film version of the series Firefly. The same year, he went back to Broadway from June to November, taking over the role of Lancelot for Hank Azaria in the successful musical "Spamalot."He lives in New York City but also has a place in Los Angeles, California
Alan Tudyk
Bio: Alan Tudyk was born in El Paso, Texas, and grew up in Plano, where he attended Plano Sr. High. In 1990, he went on to study drama at Lon Morris Jr. College. While there, he was awarded the Academic Excellence Award for Drama. He was also named Most Likely to Succeed and Sophomore Beau. During this time, Alan was also an active member of the Delta Psi Omega fraternity.After leaving LMJC, Alan went on to study at the prestigious Juilliard conservatory but left in 1996 before earning a degree.After a number of smaller stage productions and a small role in the movie Patch Adams (1998), Alan landed his first Broadway role in 1999 with "Epic Proportions." He quickly became a sought-after comedic actor, with roles in such films as 28 Days (2000) and A Knight's Tale (2001).In 2002, Alan got the role of Wash, the wise-cracking pilot of Serenity on the short-lived series Firefly (2002). Although it lasted only eleven episodes, this may be Alan's most well-known and best-loved role. No other networks would buy the failed series, but Universal Pictures began courting creator Joss Whedon to produce a big-screen version of the series. While awaiting the final news of Firefly's fate, Alan played the beloved Steve the Pirate in the movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) and the voice of the robot Sonny in I, Robot (2004).In 2005, Alan finally reprised the role of Wash in Serenity (2005), the feature-film version of the series Firefly. The same year, he went back to Broadway from June to November, taking over the role of Lancelot for Hank Azaria in the successful musical "Spamalot."He lives in New York City but also has a place in Los Angeles, California

Tivia: In the Firefly episode "Out of Gas" (1x05) Wash wires up a large, red button for the captain to press if he needs the crew to return to the ship. When he shows it to Mal he says, "When your miracle gets here, just hit this button." When Alan left the Firefly (2002) set after the series was canceled, he took that button as a keepsake. When Joss Whedon announced that he would be searching for a way to bring the show back as either a series or a feature film, Alan sent him the button with a note that said, again, "When your miracle gets here, just hit this button.".In preparing for the role of Sonny in the film I, Robot (2004), he studied dance, movement, and mime to accurately portray movement that was programmed in. His work was captured with motion-capture technology.During the filming of Trumbo, he entertained his on-screen son, Elijah Miskowski, and the other kids on set by performing his voice work from Frozen, Ice Age and Wreck It Ralph.As a nod to his character in Firefly (2002) and Serenity (2005), Alan can be heard in Halo 3 swearing in Chinese, quickly followed by "I wish I was someone else right now!".Last name is pronounced "too-dick".In the commentary for both A Knight's Tale (2001) and Knocked Up (2007) the directors mention having to give Alan the role due to his improvisation in the audition, His "your entrails will become your extrails" in A Knight's Tale and his whole "Tighter" bit in Knocked Up.Threw a we-don't-work-for-Fox-anymore party for the cast and crew of the short-lived TV series Firefly (2002) after he heard that it was canceled.According to the rest of the Firefly (2002) cast, he was consistently the worst speaker of Chinese on the show. He attributes this to having to learn long and complicated phrases such as "Mother of God and all her wacky nephews" in Mandarin.To prepare for the role of Steve the Pirate in Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004), he joined a group of pirate role players called the Rumrunners and spent a week at Pirate Camp.According to the "War Stories" (1x09) episode commentary, when he couldn't remember the Chinese dialogue for Firefly (2002), he would just make it up and hope no one noticed.Has become something of a good luck charm for Disney, similar to John Ratzenberger for Pixar. As of 2018 he has had a role in every Disney animated film since Wreck-It Ralph (2012), and also as Iago in The Demon Beneath My Wings (2005), all of which have been critical and commercial successes.Alan's most prized possession was a 1964 Mustang, which he named Old Sock.Smokey and the Bandit (1977) is his favorite movie.Auditioned for the role of Michael on The Office (2005).Has been cast in the Broadway production of Monty Python's Spamalot. He replaces Hank Azaria who is leaving in early June to film a second season of his Showtime television series Huff!. (May 2005)His father is of Polish descent, the son of Emilia (Pogorzelski) and Joseph Bernard Tudyk. His mother is of English, German, Scottish, French, and Dutch ancestry, the daughter of Hattie Doris (Hammack) and Ralph Lloyd Wiley.Now playing Lancelot on Broadway in Spamalot. (July 2005)In 1984, he performed in the Haggard Middle School (Plano, Texas) play Aesop's Fables as the Fox and won UIL regional best duet acting with, now internationally famous musician, Karl Poetschke. They performed excerpts from Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple". Alan played Felix.Has a star tattoo on his back, which can be seen in Conception (2011) and Meet Market (2004).Alan filled in for Hank Azaria in the Broadway show "Spamalot" while the latter was filming the second season of Huff (2004) and working on the 17th season of The Simpsons (1989). Actress Sara Ramirez, another performer in the production at this time, was in Alan's class (Group 26) at Juilliard.Playing the lead in "Prelude To A Kiss" on Broadway. (February 2007)Has two female dogs, Raisin and Clara.While in college, Alan was active in the Delta Psi Omega fraternity.ended role of Lancelot on Broadway's production of Spamalot. (December 2005)
Name: Alan Tudyk Type: Actor,Writer,Producer (IMDB)
Area: All World Platform: IMDB
Business scope: Actor,Writer,Producer
Products for sale: Actor,Writer,Producer
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Alan Tudyk data
Model rank: 96
Last update: 2024-07-01 03:08:03
Alan Tudyk profile
Height: 5' 11' (1.80 m)
Biography: Alan Tudyk was born in El Paso, Texas, and grew up in Plano, where he attended Plano Sr. High. In 1990, he went on to study drama at Lon Morris Jr. College. While there, he was awarded the Academic Excellence Award for Drama. He was also named M
Trivia: In the Firefly episode "Out of Gas" (1x05) Wash wires up a large, red button for the captain to press if he needs the crew to return to the ship. When he shows it to Mal he says, "When your miracle gets here, just hit this button." When Alan left the Firefly (2002) set after the series was canceled, he took that button as a keepsake. When Joss Whedon announced that he would be searching for a way to bring the show back as either a series or a feature film, Alan sent him the button with a note that said, again, "When your miracle gets here, just hit this button.".In preparing for the role of Sonny in the film I, Robot (2004), he studied dance, movement, and mime to accurately portray movement that was programmed in. His work was captured with motion-capture technology.During the filming of Trumbo, he entertained his on-screen son, Elijah Miskowski, and the other kids on set by performing his voice work from Frozen, Ice Age and Wreck It Ralph.As a nod to his character in Firefly (2002) and Serenity (2005), Alan can be heard in Halo 3 swearing in Chinese, quickly followed by "I wish I was someone else right now!".Last name is pronounced "too-dick".In the commentary for both A Knight's Tale (2001) and Knocked Up (2007) the directors mention having to give Alan the role due to his improvisation in the audition, His "your entrails will become your extrails" in A Knight's Tale and his whole "Tighter" bit in Knocked Up.Threw a we-don't-work-for-Fox-anymore party for the cast and crew of the short-lived TV series Firefly (2002) after he heard that it was canceled.According to the rest of the Firefly (2002) cast, he was consistently the worst speaker of Chinese on the show. He attributes this to having to learn long and complicated phrases such as "Mother of God and all her wacky nephews" in Mandarin.To prepare for the role of Steve the Pirate in Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004), he joined a group of pirate role players called the Rumrunners and spent a week at Pirate Camp.According to the "War Stories" (1x09) episode commentary, when he couldn't remember the Chinese dialogue for Firefly (2002), he would just make it up and hope no one noticed.Has become something of a good luck charm for Disney, similar to John Ratzenberger for Pixar. As of 2018 he has had a role in every Disney animated film since Wreck-It Ralph (2012), and also as Iago in The Demon Beneath My Wings (2005), all of which have been critical and commercial successes.Alan's most prized possession was a 1964 Mustang, which he named Old Sock.Smokey and the Bandit (1977) is his favorite movie.Auditioned for the role of Michael on The Office (2005).Has been cast in the Broadway production of Monty Python's Spamalot. He replaces Hank Azaria who is leaving in early June to film a second season of his Showtime television series Huff!. (May 2005)His father is of Polish descent, the son of Emilia (Pogorzelski) and Joseph Bernard Tudyk. His mother is of English, German, Scottish, French, and Dutch ancestry, the daughter of Hattie Doris (Hammack) and Ralph Lloyd Wiley.Now playing Lancelot on Broadway in Spamalot. (July 2005)In 1984, he performed in the Haggard Middle School (Plano, Texas) play Aesop's Fables as the Fox and won UIL regional best duet acting with, now internationally famous musician, Karl Poetschke. They performed excerpts from Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple". Alan played Felix.Has a star tattoo on his back, which can be seen in Conception (2011) and Meet Market (2004).Alan filled in for Hank Azaria in the Broadway show "Spamalot" while the latter was filming the second season of Huff (2004) and working on the 17th season of The Simpsons (1989). Actress Sara Ramirez, another performer in the production at this time, was in Alan's class (Group 26) at Juilliard.Playing the lead in "Prelude To A Kiss" on Broadway. (February 2007)Has two female dogs, Raisin and Clara.While in college, Alan was active in the Delta Psi Omega fraternity.ended role of Lancelot on Broadway's production of Spamalot. (December 2005)
Trademarks: Often appears in Disney movies
Quotes: I was a real ham as a child. I'd insist on dressing up as a cowboy whenever the family went out for dinner. In high school, I was a menace. I'd fake nose bleeds and fainting spells to panic my teachers. <br /> <hr> There aren't too many new actors like Alan Arkin or Gene Hackman who exist on their own frequency, do things in a way that nobody else could get away with. Those are the people who are inspirational to me. <br /> <hr> In high school I wanted to be a hotel manager. If you're an actor, you don't have any money and I wanted to have a wife and children. Now I'm an actor with money but I still don't have a wife and children!
Job title: Actor,Writer,Producer
Others works: Appeared in the Broadway play, Epic Proportions (1999) In early June 2005 he joined the cast of "Monty Python's Spamalot" on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre. He replaced Hank Azaria as Sir Lancelot, the French Taunter, and a couple of othe
Spouse: Charissa Barton (September 24, 2016 - present)
Children: No Children
Parents: Timothy Nicholas Tudyk Betty Loyce Wiley
Alan Tudyk SNS
Pvnew page: http://pvnew.com/user/nm0876138/
Platform page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0876138/
Identifier url: http://res.cmspc.com/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=3173&id=2740