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Marin Sais


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Marin Sais was descended from one of the earliest Spanish families ofCalifornia (Marin County was named after one of her ancestors). She waspossessed of a fine singing voice. and after graduation from schooljourneyed to New York to pursue an operatic career. However, not longafter her arrival she apparently changed her mind about her careerpath, and before long she was appearing in two-reel comedies forVitagraph. Her career progressed steadily, and she was soon working infull-length films and serials. She soon journeyed to Hollywood, andbegan appearing in westerns, often with Hoot Gibson. She also became afixture in action serials. In 1920 she married cowboy actor Jack Hoxie,and they appeared in several films together, but divorced five yearslater. With the coming of sound she began appearing in character rolesrather than the leading or featured roles she was used to, and thefilms she appeared in were often for the cheap independent market. Sheseemed to specialize in westerns, and w... [Details Intro]