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Elsa Pataky


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Elsa Pataky was born Elsa Lafuente Medianu in Madrid, Spain. Her mother, Cristina Pataky Medianu, is a publicist of Romanian and Hungarian ancestry, and her father, Jos�� Francisco Lafuente, is a Spanish biochemist. She attended the Universidad de San Pablo CEU where she studied journalism and began to take an interest in acting. She joined Teatro C��mara de ��ngel Guti��rrez, a theater company in Madrid, and left college when she was offered a role in the long-running Spanish TV series Al salir de clase (1997).More Spanish TV roles followed, alongside a growing career in movies, first in Spain but increasingly internationally.She met her husband, Chris Hemsworth, through the management company that represents them both, ROAR.

Elsa Pataky was born Elsa Lafuente Medianu in Madrid, Spain. Her mother, Cristina Pataky Medianu, is a publicist of Romanian and Hungarian ancestry, and her father, Jos�� Francisco Lafuente, is a Spanish biochemist. She attended the Uni... [Details Intro]